Primary problems of inherited parameter learning are analyzed and robust learning conception and method are presented.
The properties of 20-high Sendzimir cold-rolling mill were introduced,the geometric shape of non-oriented silicon steel strip was re-defined,and the wedge equivalent crown,pass genetic factor and accumulative coefficient were introduced.
And their Genetic similarity coefficient and genetic distance were studied.
The RAPD test revealed that the genetic similarity be.
结果表明,在相同培养条件下,两者均为卵圆形,但原种直径仅为突变后藻株直径的60%,颜色差异明显;突变株的β-胡萝卜素含量为原种的6 2~15 5倍;两者遗传相似系数为0 868,与突变株的一般要求相符。
By NTSYS pc program, Jaccards genetic similarity coefficient.
利用 341个RAPD标记 ,计算Jaccard遗传相似系数 ,建立UPGMA聚类图 。
The difference markedness of the content of potassium in leaves of tobacco seedling was checked up among different genotypes with the variance analysis method, and the heritability in the broad sense, genetic variation coefficient of the c.
The results are as follows:①The broadsense heritabilities of height,diameter and volume of cloned seedings are 0897 8,0831 4 and 0808 1 respectively;genetic variation coefficients are 1582%,1402% and 4112%.
结果表明:①无性系的苗高、地径和材积的生长达到极显著水平,苗高、地径和材积的广义遗传力分别为0 8978,0 8314和0 8081,遗传变异系数分别为15 82%,14 02%和41 12%。
The study indicated that genetic variation coefficient of thirty seedlings of 9major quantiative traits of mass crossing generations ranged from 20.
Phenotypic variation coefficients were all greater than the genetic variation coefficients.
Genetic Variations and Selection Indices of Quantitative Traits in Upland Cotton(Gossypium hirsutum L.) Lines with High Fiber Quality
Additive variance was higher than dominance variance, which indicates quantitative inheritance.
Study on Genetic Variation of Seven Microsatellites DNA Markers and Their Relationship with Somatic Cell Counts in Cow Milk;
Genetic and Variation Study to Laminaria "901" Strain;
Genetic Variation of Wood Properties and Superior Clones Selection of Ginkgo Biloba L.
Genetic Variation of E. urophylla Progenies Selected from Superior Families
Application of accelerating genetic algorithm to optimizing variogram parameters;
Heteroplasmy of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy families with 11778 mutation
Genetic Variation on Growth and Genetic Diversity of Half-sib Families among Provenince of Platanus Occidentalis L. in Eastern China;
Studies on Genetic Variation and Early Selection of Japanese Larch Clones
Genetic Variation in Basic Wood Properties of 36 Clones of Populus deltoides
Genetic Variation of Traits in Relation to Yield among Populus Clones during the First Year;
Genetic Variation and Phylogenesis of the Cuttlefishes in the Waters of China;
Transformation and Somaclonal Variation of Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.);
Study on Genetic Variation and Interspecific Relationship of Zoysia Willd.;
结缕草属(Zoysia Willd.)植物遗传变异及种间关系研究
Study on Inheritance and Variation of Wood Property in Populus Tomentosa Carr.;
Study on the Growth Process Genetic Variation and Selection of the Poplar Clones;
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