"Personalized individual" has been widely cited to explain individual formation in the future society characteristic of sublation of contingent individual".
Only with this method,it is significant to under stand and master the finiteness and infiniteness,contingency and inevitableness of art to create an creative multiform phase of art.
只有“以形写神”,深刻了解和掌握艺术中有限与无限、偶然与必然 ,对今天创造一个万紫千红、百花齐放、富有多样性独创性的艺术形象的苑地 ,有重要的意
Richard Rorty, a master of the new pragmatism, brings forward in his Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity that the self, society, desire, value root in the haphazard history.
新实用主义的大师理查德·罗蒂在《偶然、反讽与团结》中提出,自我、社会、欲望、价 值都是偶然的历史的产物,个人要以此为基础,将社会正义与私人完美结合起来,并减少对别人的残 酷,而这要依仗小说和电影等叙述形式来提升人的敏感度。
,the ideal novel keep the tension between the narrative“form” and the “contingency” of the content,representing the character.
从默多克小说创作的理论渊源入手 ,结合她小说的叙事特点阐明其小说观为 :理想的小说要保持叙事的“形式”和内容的“偶然”之间的张力 ,体现人物的偶然性和特殊
Kundra is built on his unbearable lightness of being with so many "es muss sein";especially on the reterative betrayal by Sapina and the passable body of Theresa that are constructed by means of fancy-the brilliant female heroines either on a necessity-canoe or the one on an accidentalness-canoe moving between fantasy and reality.
Analysis and test of data’s accidental errors and systematic errors in marketing research;
This paper discusses the method of making accidental error by Montcaro.
笔者讨论了蒙特卡罗法生成偶然误差的原理 ,并用模拟的偶然误差参于大地四边形平差计算 ,其结果与误差传播定律一致 ,从而验证了蒙特卡罗法用于大地四边形模拟计算的可行性 ,为大地四边形的优化提供了一种可行的有效方
Because of fault in operation and the precision of instrument,the defect error and accidental error are involved in the procession of data collection,the defect error that are brought by mistakes of people and influence of outside is large,the contingency error that are inevitably and randomicity is little.
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