The present study aimed to explore whether there was an attentional ef fect on the parallel processing by means of different validities of cues.
许多研究认为 ,基本特征的觉察过程是平行加工的过程 ,它的探测与注意分配到某个位置没有关系。
The results show that when we search the target in the statistical maps, the visual system might use parallel process model and serial process model, and the mean reaction time and the correctness of the target searching are affected by the two search models.
结果表明 ,在分区统计地图上搜寻目标时 ,视觉系统运用了平行加工策略和序列加工策略 ,4个方案的目标搜寻平均反应时间和正确率受到这两种策略的影
A method for planning of pocket machining tool path based on monotony chain technology;
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