Analyzing almost all elements of Siren Song,this paper aims at proving that human beings in capacity to resist temptations is the theme of this poem and also tries to show how various elements of this poem contribute to this theme.
Through the comparison and analysis of Murder in the Cathedral and Macbeth, this articel finds two different themes: Macbeth, due to his fallibility of character , winds up a tragic death, while Thomas Becket, resisting all the temptations, enjoys a joyous ending.
The investigation by temptation, which is not stipulated in the criminal law has been frequently adopted in criminal investigation.
“诱惑”这一刑事法律并未规定的侦查手段在刑事案件的侦查中被广泛应用 ,其对刑事诉讼最终价值目标的实现 ,有着一定的理论和现实价值 ;面临刑事诉讼法的再次修改 ,如果不从立法上对诱惑的条件、范围、对象等予以明确规定、对诱惑的方式进行有效的规制 ,侦查机关的这一侦查行为 ,必将演变为“引诱者”与“被引诱者”的共同犯罪行为。
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