The compound bait for fishes and shrimps was produced from the herb medicine, flavor amino acid and its derivatives and basic flavor ingredients with new technology.
通过实验 ,找到中草药、风味氨基酸以及其衍生物 ,对鱼虾嗅觉刺激、味觉刺激的基础味料 ,通过新工艺研制成鱼虾复合诱食
Development and Research of Attractant for Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Ⅱ: Attracting Fish Experiment in Riverway;
Synthesis of carboxymethyl dimethyl sulfonium chloride as a novel aquatic feed attractant;
This paper reviewed the variety,effect and mechanism of feed attractant in aquatic animal.
Research advance of amino acids as feeding attractant on aquatic animals;
Several kinds of amino acids, ADP and extraction from animals and plants were employed to research the feeding attraction activities for Chrysophry major, Fugu rubripes and Moroul Satatilis.
1998年 7~ 8月 ,以真鲷 (Chrysophrysmajor)、红鳍东方 (Fugurubripes)、条纹鲈 (Moroulsa tatilis)为对象进行氨基酸、核苷酸及动植物粗提取物诱食活性实验 ,结果用t检验统计分析 ,这些诱食剂对真鲷的诱食效果依次为甘氨酸 +丙氨酸 >甘氨酸 >蛤蜊提取液 >组氨酸 >乌贼内脏液 >丙氨酸 >精氨酸 >石莼提取液 >丙氨酸 +甜菜碱 >紫菜提取液 >甘氨酸 +丙氨酸 +组氨酸 >脯氨酸 +组氨酸 >特鲜味精 >0 。
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