Separation and determination of children s salivary neutral lipids;
The compositions and concentrations of algal lipids(neutral lipids and fatty acids) during decomposition in naturl oxic seawater were examined.
Offering meat rate, total lipid, neutral lipid, polar lipid, phospholipids, composition of phospholipids and fatty acid of six shellfishes were tested.
对紫贻贝、栉孔扇贝、褶牡蛎、杂色蛤、缢蛏、毛蚶六种贝类的磷脂作了比较研究 ,对它们的出肉率、总脂、中性脂、极性脂、磷脂及其组分、脂肪酸的组成做了检测分析。
Still, pulmonary surfactant consists of 5%-10% neutral lipids, the.
由肺泡II型上皮细胞分泌的肺表面活性物质主要由5%-10%的表面活性蛋白、80%-90%的磷脂以及 5%-10%的中性脂构成。
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