Impacts of sea water mixing and stratification on the vertical profile of chlorophyll a;
Stratification in Bimodal Polymer Brushes;
The results indicated that the vertical concentrations of COD and DO has sharp stratification profiles in the mixing region of salt and fresh water.
1999年夏季对珠江口伶仃洋的COD、DO、盐度、温度等项目进行大规模的调研 ,结果表明 :在伶仃洋咸淡水交界海域 ,COD、DO垂向层化现象明显 ,根据其层次结构可分为上中高下低型、上高中下低型、上下高中低型。
Simulating on soft soil embankment solidified drainage and settlement with or without shallow solidified layer under the application of plane strain conditions embankment load,three-dimensional numerical simulating on roadbed and embankment deformation with vehicles on the road,the results indicate that shallow solidified soil layer changes the stress distribution of the ground,and reduces .
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