By the benson rule of group additivity, standard formation enthalpy \%Δ\%\-f\%H\%\+Φ\-m(298,g) and standard entropy \%S\%\+Φ\-m(298,g) of ricinoleic acid and its reaction products were estimated, and by the Rihani rule of group additivity, the relation between heat capacity for an ideal gas \%C\%\+Φ\-\{p,m\}(\%T\%) of each above substance and the temperature was estimated.
Chermical base of this odour absorber is zinc ricinoleate.
这种吸味剂的化学成分是蓖麻醇酸锌 ,它没有气味 ,对微生物也没有抑制作用 ,故而与香精、杀菌剂等常用吸味剂作用不同。
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