Determination of the Carbon Isotope Composition of Atmospheric Acetone;
Perovskite catalyst in the presence of cracked radical from acetone;
Method of measuring volume fraction of acetone based on indirect catalysis transformation;
A research and application of the new type high efficiency aceton distillation column;
Using acetone to synthese improve furan casting resin, the full process and process control conditions are described as: 30 mL of industrial formalin (37 g/100 mL,) 12 mL of industrial phenol, 7.
2 - Heptanone was synthesized from n - butyl aldehyde and propanone via cross al-dol condensation, dehydration, catalyzed hydrogenation.
2-heptanone was synthesized by n-butyl aldehyde and propanone via cross aldol condensation, dehydration, catalyzed hydrogenation.
以NaOH为缩合催化剂,ZnCl2为助催化剂,Pd/C为加氢催化剂,用丁醛和丙酮经交叉羟醛缩合、脱水、催化加氢制得2 庚酮,利用气相色谱和红外光谱对产品进行了表征。
Making use of propanone as solvent in this paper,it is decreased by 50% and 60% that SnCl_2 and 35%HCl consumption that the chloromethylenation-SnCl_2/HCl reduction process transform nature vitamin E into α-vitamin E,purification α-vitamin E is easier.
利用丙酮作溶剂,使氯甲基化 SnCl2/HCl还原工艺转化天然维生素E的SnCl2消耗降低了50%、35%盐酸消耗降低了60%,α VE提纯更容易。
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