Objective To evaluate the applied value of VX_2 model in rabbit thigh to experiment of interventional thermochemotherapy.
目的 探讨兔大腿VX2 模型在介入性热化疗实验中的应用价值。
This paper expounds particularly the selections of amputative sectio ns,the innovations of the modern amp utative technologies,the particul ar of children amputation,the oper-ational particular of thigh amputation,and the rehabilitation of the non-ideal stumps impairing.
Based on FEM structural computer calculation, the strength, rigidity and stability of the front opened drilling masts of two leg types,“H” type and tubular rectangle type, are analyzed and compared.
Study of the effect of physical therapy on patients with above knee amputation;
Objectives To discuss the rahabilitation effect of physical therapy on patients with above knee amputation.
目的 探讨运动疗法对大腿截肢患者康复训练的有效性。
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