HH951 special phosphatizing solution was developed for the room temperature phosphatizing of the steam tubes in largescale thermal power plant.
Objective To compare the influences of sulfentanyl or fentanyl combined with midazolam on respiratory function in slow induction of anesthesia.
The experiment designs the structure of Aged-Refuse-Based Bioreactor for semi-aerobic and handles leachate as a processing object in order to research the treament capability of the semi-aerobic landfilling Aged-Refuse-Based Bioreactor, in different landfilling density, opening rate of airway and landfilling depth.
室内模拟实验研究结果表明:(1)当实验所选密度分别为850 kg/m~3、1000kg/m~3、1150kg/m~3时,各污染物的去除率随密度的增大略有减小,但减小都在1%左右,对整个出水效果影响不明显,所以本次实验过程中密度的变化对渗滤液处理效果影响不显著;(2)导气管开孔率分别取6。
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