This paper studied a lot of molecular absorption model and emphasized Langmuir molecular absorption model,multi-parameter Langmuir molecular absorption model.
文中介绍了国内外的分子吸附模型 ,重点阐述了Langmuir分子吸附模型 ,Langmuir竞争吸附模型 ,多参数的Langmuir模型 ,相平衡分子吸附模型 ,并进行了一定的回归 ,提高了适用程度。
Density Functional Theoretical Study of Water Molecular Adsorption on the Surface of MoO_3 with the Cluster Model;
利用密度泛函理论(DFT)的B3LYP方法,在LANL2DZ基组上,计算了水分子吸附前后MoO3原子簇模型物的优化几何构型和电子结构,并进行了二级M ller-Plesset微扰(MP2)相关能计算。
The surface property of copper phthalocyanine(CuPC) was modified by plasma-treatment, polymer adsorption and addition of Na 2SO 4 and urea.
通过等离子体改性 ,高分子吸附以及加入添加剂 ( Na2 SO4 ,尿素 )改变了酞菁铜颜料的表面性质 ,增加了酞菁铜在水中的分散稳定性 。
The general principles of studying the macromolecules adsorption behaviors by means of random compute simulation are introduced.
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