Study on the characteristic of granular bed filter at normal temperature;
Colophony Wastewater Treatment by Anaerobic-aerobic-filter Process;
Process research of second stage reaction at preparing cryolite from fluosilicic acid——quality,appearance and filtering performance of cryolite;
The fact had been proved that this filter vessel can achieve the filtrate precision.
Attributes in the database are filtrated according to the frequent data item sets of large one item sets(L_1) and large two item sets(L_2) in order to reduce the number of data attributes,at the same time,compress the data volume of the database.
The Capture and Filtrate of the Packets based on Intermediate NDIS;
Development and application of Ys-60 vacuum filtering disc;
Effect of pressing pressure on pore structure and filtering performance in porous TiAl alloy;
The Control of Dissolved Oxygen in Beer during Green Filtering Process;
Based on his longterm experience, the author describes the production of WPA, the effects of the quality change of phosphate rocks on the operation; and explores the factors affecting the extraction, gypsum filteration, WPA concentration and other steps.
根据长期从事磷酸生产操作技术的经验 ,阐述二水物湿法磷酸生产中 ,磷矿质量变化对生产的影响 ;探讨影响萃取反应、石膏过滤、磷酸浓缩等生产操作的各种因素 ;提出降低硫酸消耗、获得最大 P2 O5收率的优化工艺 ,生产中必须解决的一些问题。
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