Inhibition of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase gene expression by metformin in cultured hepatocytes;
Dissolution kinetics of phosphate tailings with high magnesium content in phosphoric acid;
Research on the reaction mechanism of potash feldspar and phosphate rock in the phosphoric acid;
Study on preparation of precipitated silica by leaching yellow phosphorus slag with phosphoric acid;
Effect of Several Low-molecular-weight Organic Acids and Phosphate on the Adsorption of Acid Phosphatase on Soil Colloids and Minerals;
The method is to adopt phosphate and the mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid to dissolve the samples,and then to determine the total w(Al) with Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry in proper conditions.
It has been found that the carbonation of Ca(OH) 2 suspension is similar upon using phosphoric acid or soluble phosphates as .
在磷酸系晶型控制剂的作用下 ,通过氢氧化钙悬浊液的非均相沉淀法合成了文石型晶须 ,研究了在此方法中晶型控制剂、温度以及初始 p H值等工艺因素对文石生长的影响规律。
New technologies for producing phosphorous acid in China;
Feasibility of preparing activated carbon from bamboo knot with phosphorous acid by microwave radiation was studied.
Every year, a huge amount of phosphorous acid is produced in China with large amounts of waste heat and thermal pollution.
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