The QBO of Stratosphere Water Gas in Equator;
In this paper,the problem of limit cycles bifurcated from the equator for a quintic polynomial system is investigated.
By comparing and analysing the characteristics of gravity fields on two sides of a typical active fracture, the author finds that the massifs where Bougucr gravity anomalies are regionally negative (or relatively negative) always move towards the equator, while the massifs where the Bouguer gravity anomalies are positive (or relatively positive) move towards the poles.
Lagrange s method is employed to derive the equations of motion for the system when the satellite is restricted to an orbit plane(such as the equatorial plane) and moves at a uniform angular velocity.
Environmental and Social Standard in International Financing: Equator Principles;
So China s commercial banks should accept the equator principles and follow the trend of world banks development.
the Equator Principles is a set of new environmental and social standards for the global project finance.
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