A parallel genetic design method with coarse grain;
According to the feature of coarse grain reconfigurable processor,this paper introduces an approach that implements 2D-DCT on coarse grain reconfigurable processor.
Among the master-slave, fine-grained and coarse grained parallel avenues, the coarse-grained model is most widely used for its little communication overhead and its diversifying of the population.
在主从式、细粒度和粗粒度这三类遗传算法并行化模型中 ,粗粒度模型以其较小的通讯开销和对种群多样化 ,获得了最广泛的应用 。
Proposed the key factors of influencing parallel genetic algorithms by analyzing the speedup formula of coarse-grained parallel genetic algorithms.
Also it presents theapproach to make the remote coarse-grained EJB call by Session Facade and DTO design patterns.
通过实例介绍,用 Session Facade 和 DTO 等设计模式实现远程粗粒度调用的可行性方法。
To improve the efficiency of remote calls, the paper illustrates a method of making remote calls efficiently by a coarse-grained way.
本文分析了EJB环境下远程细粒度调用方法带来的固有缺陷 ,通过一个具体的例子实现了远程调用与具体逻辑良好的、粗粒度的分离 ,有效地提高了远程调用的效率 ,同时使得开发基于EJB的分布式计算结构的EJB提供者和前端界面开发者得到较好的定位和分离。
Research on the Architecture of Coarse-grain Dataflow Network Processor;
Considering the communication cost and optimization qualities,an ant colony algorithm based on the coarse-grain model is designed to solve the problem of this model.
In the light of the principium of coarse-grain parallel computing, we segment the complex computing process in the forming of animate topography and physiognomy, and distribute each part to each computer.
根据粗粒度并行计算的原理 ,对形成地形貌动画中计算量较大过程采用人为分割 ,把分割后的各部分数据交给配置基本相同的各台PC机进行计算 ,采用以空间换取时间的方法 ,提高系统的实时性 。
The two methods of coarse granularity parallel by layers and domain decomposition parallel are put forward and used to realize the software parallelization.
对胜利油区广泛采用的多层二维二相油藏模拟模型开展了并行化研究 ,提出并采用按层粗粒度并行及区域分解并行两种方法实现软件的并行化。
At the base of optimized ORTHOMIN method,the two dimension two phase full-implicit model with muti-layers has been paralleled as coarse granularity.
以优化后的预处理正交极小化算法为基础 ,对多层二维二相全隐式模拟模型进行了以层为单位的粗粒度并行任务划分 。
A finer-grained lock has been converted to a coarser-grained lock.
Application of JXTA in Coarse -grained Parallelization Computation;
Fulfilling the Rough Granularity Scheduling of Subtasks with Improved Hungary Algorithm
Parallel Genetic Algorithm Based on Population Size Mutable Coarse-grained
Research on the Architecture of Coarse-grain Dataflow Network Processor;
Research on Coarse-grain Reconfigurable Architecture Base on Loop Pipelining;
Study on the Computation Performance and Application of the Coarse-grained Parallel Genetic Algorithms;
grit size, grit number
Strength characteristics of coarse-grained soil and construction & test methods thereof;
Influences of Density and Confining Pressure on Mechanical Properties for Coarse-grained soils
Research on the theory calculation method of maximum dry density of the coarse grained soil
Experiment Study on Lifting Velocity and Concentration of Coarse Particles for Vertical Hydraulic Lifting;
coated abrasives-determination of grain size distribution of microgrits p12 to p220
coated abrasives-determination of grain size distribution of microgrits p240 to p2500
Study on Decision Subdivision Based on Information Granularity and Rough Sets
This roughness occurs on a small scale, involving grain boundaries and failure surfaces.
In lithology, the calcareous sandstone is of coarse grain and fairly well sorted.
Influence of Aggregate Size on Adhesive Fracture Toughness of New and Old Concrete
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