China's Petroleum Market Reform: A View from Trading Mode Evolution of International Strategic Commodity;
The Increasingly Visualization of the Financial Character of Commodity in International Market and the Countermeasure of China;
Geographic distribution areas, developmental conditions, existing problems and suggestions for endemic medicinal plants, raremedicinal materials,cultivationmedicinal materials,bulk medicinal materialsand othermedicinal materialsofeconomic value in Guizhou havebeen introduced in this paper.
So,to the staple industry consumers,the average purchase price differs each month and so is the selling price of the power supply enterprises to their consumers.
The article introduced the background and significance of unify purchasing item of China Green Lights Project, and elaborated the methods and achievements of the show-how enterprise in detail.
This paper introduces a patented new systems and technology for semicontinuous unloading of bulk materials from ships.
A consulting-trade system towards a large amount trade of B2B is put forward,and principle and technical implementation are described.
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