Breeding of New Sugarbeet Variety Zhongtian-Jitian Monogerm Ⅱ;
Modified partial least square(MPLS) was used to establish a quantitative regression equation for determinning protein content in single seed paddy with technique of near infrared transmittance spectroscopy(NITS).
It is shown that the quantum mechanics for two dimensional harmonic oscillator does not describe a single particle but an ensemble in the limit.
This density is consistent with the Classical density distribution,thereby it is obtained that a wave function of a charged particle in a uniform electric and magnetic field does not describe a single particle but a uniform ensembl
The testing results show that the single particle detection efficiency for this facility is over 98%, and the target-positioning accuracy is within 3μm.
Making concrete with single-sized coarse aggregate;
Within the isospin dependent Extended Brueckner-Hartree-Fock framework,the three-body force effects on the single particle potentials of a neutron and a proton in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter and their isospin denpendence have been investigated.
在扩展的同位旋相关的Brueckner Hartree Fock理论框架内 ,研究了三体核力对同位旋非对称核物质中质子与中子的单粒子势及其同位旋依赖性的影响 。
Within the isospin dependent Extended Brueckner Hartree Fock framework,the single particle potentials and effective masses of a neutron and a proton in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter as well as their isospin denpendence have been investigated.
在扩展的同位旋相关的Brueckner Hartree Fock理论框架内 ,计算了同位旋非对称核物质中质子与中子的单粒子势和有效质量及其同位旋效应 ,并详细研究和讨论了基态关联对单粒子势和有效质量及其同位旋依赖的影
Xintian 17 is a genetic monogerm triploid hybrid sugarbeet.
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