Unifying control of carbon dioxide are welding machine adjusts the welding current and voltage by turning one knob only,chaff.
CO2 短路过渡焊机一元化控制是通过单旋钮将影响短路过渡频率的主要规范参数电弧电压和焊接电流有机结合在一起 ,通过单旋钮调节焊接电流 ,电弧电压随电流相应变化 ,形成最佳匹配而获得最高短路过渡频率。
It is pointed out that the existing spin theory is an equation built on them, by replacing four component spinor with two component spinor to describe the state.
把狄拉克方程分解成了两个单旋量的联立方程组 。
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