Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Extract of Tilia mongolica Barks by GC-MS;
Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Tilia mongolica Leaves by GC-MS;
Study on Constituents of Tilia mongolica Leaves and Wood;
Response of Photosynthetic Capacity and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Quercus mongolica and Tilia amurensis Seedlings after Light Intensity Transfer;
Morphological Structure of Tilia amurensis in Different Geographical Regions;
A new method of seed stratification for Tilia amurensis;
Analysis on Tilia mandshurica Secondary Forest Stand Structure in Badaling Forest Farm;
Effect of IBA and Agrobacterium rhizogenes on the Softwood Cutting of Tilia mandshurica;
This paper states the chemical and physics methods to improve the germination rate of Amur linden seeds.
An experiment was conducted to study the effects of glibberellic acid(GA_3)and hormone NAA on the germination pe- riod for vegetative buds by using Manchurian ash and Amur linden as experimental materials aiming at the problem that they are very subject to low temperature damage.
In order to study the effects of chemistry substance-controlling on the physiological characteristics of freezing resistance of Amur linden (Tilia Amurensis Rupr.
Research on Growth Process and Growth Models of Tilia amurensis;
Decomposition processes of Tilia amurensis leaves in the Changbai Mountain forest ecosystem.;
The anatomical study on the rooting of the green shoot cutting propagation of two kinds of Tilia;
Studies on the Cutting Propagation Technique and Rooting Mechanism of Tilia.;
As for the problem of explant contamination during Tilia tissue culture,“Naclo” was used to treat the explants collected in different seasons prior to tissue culture, The result showed that the contamination ratio for one-year-old soft shoots and sprouts collected during April to May was under 10%; the ratio for water-cultured plantlets treated with 10% “Naclo”, 3.
针对椴树组织培养过程中外植体容易污染 ,而且难以控制等问题 ,采用次氯酸钠 (商品名为安替福民 )对不同季节的外植体进行消毒处理。
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