The results of the stacking interaction between the adenine and the polypyridine ligands showed that the stacking strength followed the order of PIP>IP>phen, which was.
Comparison of the stability constants of ternary complexes Cu(UTP)L 2- with those of the binary complexes CuL 2+ ,shows stacking interaction between the aromatic ring of the N base and the pyrimidine moiety of UTP.
Comparing these data with those of the corresponding complexes containing ammonia instead of pyridine like ligands, it has been found that an intramolecular stacking interaction exists between the pyridine like lig.
On the infrequence O-H…π stacking interaction in the crystal structure;
The regioselectivity of these reactions was studied via analysis of these stable conformations, finding that there exists the π-π stacking interaction between the ester group and the benzyl aromatic-ring in the molecule.
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