An Initial Idea for Developing New Reverse Circulation Drilling Technology and Equipment;
The application of reverse circulation drilling bored concrete pile;
Discussion on the reverse circulation drilling cast-in-place pile drilling technique;
Improvement of DTH reverse circulation bit and its emulator on interior fluid field;
Air driven hollow DTH hammer is applied,along with a set of dual wall drilling pipe and a specially designed reverse circulation bit,to conduct continuous coring reverse circulation drilling.
气动贯通式潜孔锤与双壁钻杆及专门研制的反循环钻头 (获国家发明专利 )配套使用 ,可实现反循环连续取心 (样 )钻进新工艺 ,连续获取的岩样采取率高 ,品质好 ,代表性强。
Aimed at large grain size pebble contained,pure sand,mainly friction pile constructing strata carry out large sized rotary inverse circulation pile construction,put forward three special operational technologies: basket dredging,small sized hole enable pebbles fallen into and second time well completion methods.
Possibility is theoretically analyzed about drilling holes with more than hundred meter depth through pump suction reverse circulation.
从理论上分析了泵吸反循环施工百米超深孔的可行性 ,并介绍实际施工中采取的技术措施和取得的良好效果 ,对同类工程施工具有一定的指导意义。
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