Study of valence of factitive verbs in modern Chinese;
On the Valence of Contemporary Chinese V-R Compounds: A Study Based on Conceptual Structures;
The bound nominal_object verb is studied in valency direction.
The special contribution of valency grammarians has been a thorough investigation of how much is determined by the verb in the syntactic potential,and of how different potentials of the same verb are.
For a long time,there exists some disagreement as to at which level valency should be approached.
But both of the Chinese grammar scholars and the Russian grammar scholars have deeply studied their native languages in the frame of valence theory and have gained some aehievements.
Based on the theory of valency grammar, this paper analyses valency errors in the sentences with verb predicates in the interlanguage of learners of Chinese.
本文以配价语法理论为背景 ,以汉语中介语中带有偏误的动词句为研究对象 ,分析带有偏误的动词句中动词或补足语的偏误现象 ,探求偏误产生的原因 ,寻求减少偏误现象的教学对策。
Based on the functional grammar theory, and in the light of approaches suchas grammaticalization 、cogntive grammar and valency grammar, the currenresearch makes a thorough probe into the directional verbs “进、进来、进去、出、出来、出去”, in contempotaty Chinese from the angles of diachronicevolvement.
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