The article briefly introduces construction and development of arch dam in home and abroad from many aspects such as construction features of arch dam in home and abroad,this kind of dam in unfavorable conditions ofdam site, shape of arch dam,design stipulations,overflow of arch dam,foundation treatment,construction of arch dam,prototype observation and etc.
The article briefly introduces construction and development of arch dam in home and abroad from many aspects such as construction features of arch dam in home and abroad, this kind of dam in unfavorable conditions of dam site, shape of arch dam, design stipulations, overflow of arch dam, foundation treatment, construction of arch dam, prototype observation and etc.
主要从国内外有关拱坝的建设特点、不利坝址条件下的拱坝、拱坝体形、设计规定、拱坝泄洪、地基处理、拱坝施工、原型观测等方面 ,简要介绍国内外拱坝建设与发展情况。
The quality analysis of ADR/ADE Periodic Safety Reports in Tianjin in 2005
summary of apportioned costs for the biennium 19xx-19xx
They always report back on their work without day.
The income statement is a statement of reflecting summarily profitability or the operating results of a business for a specific accounting period, such as a month or a year.
The statement of owner's equity is a statement of reflecting summarily the changes that occurred in the owner's equity of a business during a specific accounting period, such as a month or a year.
The income statement presents a summary of the revenues and expenses of an entity for a specific period of time, such as a month or a year.
- in a property from the custom rollup property list
— 在由自定义汇总属性列表得出的属性中
Where are the worksheet ranges that you want to consolidate?
Calculated items do not work with custom subtotals.
Are the expressions of sight draft, time draft, usance and letter of credit adequate terms to express the different methods of payment?
"are the expressions of sight draft, time draft, usance draft and letter of credit adequate terms to express the different methods of payment!"
A formal indication by a debtor of willingness to pay a time draft or bill of exchange.
In addition, the manufacturing accounts are summarized periodically in an account named Manufacturing Summary, and finished product inventory is adjusted through Income Summary.
summary of responsibility
summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied
factory cost responsibility summary
summary of Balance sheet changes
The results of these calculations are summarized in the following table.
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