Traditional copper surface roughening treatment involve the use of arsenide-containing electrolyte which is harmful to environment.
The development course of low dimensional semiconductor materials and Ga-based nitride, arsenide semiconductor quantum dots are reviewed.
In this paper, polyferric silicate sulfate (PFSS) was prepared and arsenic-containing wastewater from gallium arsenide plant was flocculated by it.
Arsenic containing wastewater from gallium arsenide production was treated by coagulation process using self made polyferric metasilicate.
用自制的聚合硅酸铁 (PFSiC)对砷化镓生产中的含砷废水进行混凝处理。
A great deal of wastewater was produced in the manufacturing of gallium arsenide wafers,and the main contamination was gallium arsenide particles in suspension.
砷化镓晶片生产过程中 ,产生大量废水 ,其中主要污染物是悬浮状态的砷化镓微粒。
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