The authors selected gibbsite(a kind of bauxite produced in the county of Zhangpu,Fujian Provioce)from seven natural substances,to pre-pare a new filter material for drinking water defluoridation.
Studies on the surface acid-base properties and phosphate adsorption behavior of gibbsite (γ-Al(OH)_3) and α-Al_2O_3;
Investigation of Raising Silicon to Aluminum Ratio of Gibbsite by Flotation;
Prospects for Comprehensive Utilization of Gibbsite from Accumulated Bauxite in Western Guangxi Province;
Rehydration of pseudoboehmite-derived γ-Al_2O_3 at lower temperature;
Studies on Hydrothermal Behavior of Alumina Ⅲ.-Rehydration of Aluminas Derived from Boehmite;
氧化铝的水热化学研究 Ⅲ──薄水铝石脱水产物的再水合现象
Synthesis and characterization of ovel 3D urchin-like boehmite(AlOOH) superstructures;
Preparation chemistry study of the high temperature and high surface area Al_2O_3 Ⅰ Preparation of high surface area α-Al_2O_3 from diaspore decomposition;
It was proved in the past few years that the accumulation bauxite deposits in Pingguo and other places in western Guangxi are large-scale paragenetie deposits of gibbsite and diaspore.
The mineral feature and its genesis mechanism of diaspore and gibbsite in Sanhe Mine of Jingxi County are studied with observation of polished thin section,X ray diffraction and electronic probe in the paper.
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