Creative Thoughtway and Mathematical Discovery of Lebesgue;
Firstly,the article theoretically expounds the superiority of Lebesgue Integral,then through the detailed cases analyzes its superiority shown in the practical application compared to Riemann Integral.
Their properties and the connection with Lebesgue integral sum and integral are studied.
The paper states the distinctions between Riemann integral and Lebesgue integral from the aspects of the definition of integral,the continuity of integrable function,the additivity of integral,integral limitation theorems and Newton-Leibnitz formula.
Condilions os the theorvm changed,We have got Theorem 3 by usingLebesgue Measure.
Lebesgue measure is introduced in knowledge base, knowledge measure and knowledge measurable sets are defined.
在知识库中引入勒贝格测度 ,定义了知识测度和知识可测 ,对比勒贝格测度研究了知识测度的性质 ,并得出了波雷耳集与知识可测集等价等强于勒贝格测度的性质 。
This paper shows that the Lebesgue measure of the singular matrices in R\+\{n×n\} is zero.
证明了 n阶实矩阵集合中奇异矩阵集合的勒贝格测度等于零 ,n维实空间中 m(≤ n)个随机向量线性无关的概率为
Lebesgue constants for Lagrange interpolation on the second Chebyshev nodes;
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