This article introduces one kind of student s score query system on the internet based on formative assessment theory.
Taking city Beijing as an example, through the cumulative distributions, the matchings of the types of test in current emission standards for in use vehicles, the concentration-limitations of two pollutants (CO and HC), and the concentration limitations for the same pollutant at different rotateing speeds were analyzed, as well as the implementation of I/M (inspection/maintenance) program.
利用累积分布曲线 ,以北京市为例对I/M制度的实施效果和在用车现行标准实施中的检测方法、两种受检物限值的匹配性和不同转速下同一受检物限值的匹配性进行了分析 ,并根据分析结果给出相应的建议 。
The paper introduces that Computer technology has been applied to regulate the diameter of particle when the value of cumulative distribution is D_(50), D_(85), D_(90), D_(97) etc.
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