A procedure to assemble only non-zero element of a global stiffness matrix of finite element analysis in a one-dimensional array was proposed,which utilizes cell element index storage scheme.
At first,we discuss the Structure of the ring Z/(pm ),namely,the structure and amount of nilpotent elements idempotent elements, invertible elements, zero divisors and ideals in Z/ (pm).
Rings satisfying the condition for(nilpotent element) left zorn chain;
Then we discuss the structure and the number of idempotent elements, nilpotent elements, unit element, invertible elements, zero divisors and ideals in the pq - order ring.
Specially we identify several classes of l-rings in which the set of all nilpotent elements is an l-ideal.
研究了格序环的l-根的一些性质 ,特别给出了所有幂零元的集合是l-理想的几类格序
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