P is any prime ideal in R,E(P)is a set of all idempotent elements of P.
Idempotency of linear combinations of three idempotent matrices;
In this paper,author makes a study on the characteristics of idempotent ma- trix and involution matrix,and computes the number of idempotent matrices and involu- tion matrices over finite field.
If Ф preserves commutative zero-products and Ф(FP)■FФ(P) and Ф(P)≠0 for every rank one idempotent operator P∈A,Then it has one of the following forms:an algebraic isomorphism,a conjugate algebraic isomor-phism,an algebraic anti-isomorphism and a conjugate algebraic anti-isomorphism.
Speciality of idempotent element on finite semigroups;
The properties of idempotents that have not zero column in Sn;
A subsemigroup generated by the idempotents of T_E(X) ZOU Ding-yu,PEI Hui-sheng,WANG Shi-fei;
Idempotents and primitive idempotents have very important station in the ring.
In the case of(Char(F_q),|G|)=1, we provide a method that writing down directly all the primitive idempotents of related polynomial ring,and hence that of all the minimum cyclic codes.
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