We have obtained Artin-Hasse formula if we take the prime π=λ for the norm residue symbol (υ,μ), making use of the properties of the norm residue symbol and congruence classes, we prove an important congruence in a direct product decomposition of quotient group for the element κ_a of representative, by the calculation of making the conclusions we obtain the Takagi formula and Takagi-Hasse formula.
对于范数剩余符号(υ,μ),若取素元π=λ已经得到了Artin Hasse公式,而在此利用范数剩余符号的性质及剩余类合同式的性质,证明商群的直积分解中的代表元κa的一个重要合同式,并利用此结论通过计算得到高木公式,由生成函数公式进而得到Takagi Hasse公式。
Cohen proved that except for finite q as exceptional values,there are some primi- tive elements (roots) ξ of GF(q) such that aξ+b can be used to represent a nonzero cubic power residue.
设 GF(g)为一有限域,a 和 b 为域中单位,柯亨曾证明:除去有限个q的例外值,GF(q)中存在本原元ξ使得 aξ+b 可表示一个非零的三次幂剩余。
This paper deals with the relation between dth power residues and primitive roots for the residue class ring Z_p~α, and proved that polynomals ax~d+b can be used to represent some primitive roots, provided that p is sufficiently large while d is relatively small, where a and b are units, and d is a divisor of p—1 .
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