Objective: to study the inducing effects of serum containing wenxia recipe to cell apoptosis of intestinal cancer.
Accurate estimation of below-canopy CO2 flux (Fcb) in typical forest ecosystems is of great importance to validate terrestrial carbon balance models.
It is proved that such discontinuous problems has infinitely many eigenvalues and the eigenvalues are boundary from below.
In this paper,the lower estimate on n——K width,n——G width and n——L width of some periodic convolution classes generated by special kernels and N functions in the L_(2π) space is studied.
In this paper,we studied the lower estimate on n-K width and n-G width of some periodic convolution classes generated by special kernels in Orlicz spaces.
研究了由特定的核所产生的周期卷积类在Orlicz空间内的n -K宽度和n -G宽度的下方估
It is proved that if the leading coefficient in a four-order symmetrical differential expression is negative on a set with positive Lebesgue measure,then the minimal operator (and hence any self-adjoint realization of the four-order symmetrical differential expression) is unbounded below.
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