For any given integers n,m(n≥m), and the balanced function f(x) on-alphabet set, m balanced functions can be obtained by using bifurcate tree.
It is constructed that a class of orthogonal Bent sequences,and used them to get balanced functions with high nonlinearity and satisfying SAC.
通过构造一组正交的Bent函数 (序列 ) ,利用它进一步构造出一类具有高非线性度、满足SAC的平衡函数 ,得到比较广泛的结果。
For any given integers n,m ( n≥m) and the balanced function f(x)on 2n-alphabet set, m balanced functions can be obtained by using bifurcate tree.
This paper gives two sufficient and necessary conditions whether the addition function of k(k≥2) Bent functions is Bent function by using probability and the property of balance function,and calculates the correlation coefficient of such a pair of Bent functions.
Based on the distance concept in this paper,potential function and balance function are introduced and used to measure the uniformity of points distributed in a general convex polyhedron.
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