Free groups with finite ranks are the funda.
In this paper,we study test elements in direct products of free groups.
The free group F_η(1<η≤_0) has a highly transitive representation in the rational line Q.
自由群Fη(1<η≤ 0)在有理数集Q上有一个高可迁表示,若T是无理数集上的一个任意可数稠密子集,则可使得T是^Fη的一个轨道且对任意e≠ w^∈^Fη变换T中的每一个点。
The free group F_η(2≤η≤χ_0) can be faithfully represented as a highly order-transitive group of order-preserving permutations of Q,and also as a highly transitive group on the positive integers set N.
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