It is proved that every reflexive bimodules of nest subalgebras alg β has the form of { T∈M: I-φ(P) TP=0, P∈β} , where φ is an order homomorphism from nest β into β .
Stron-Principal Bimodule of CSL Algebras;
The relations are discussed between quasi-dual bimodules and dual-bimodules;a left quasi-dual bimodule is a left dual bimodule if it satisfies one of the following conditions:(ⅰ) SM is minimal injective and M R is a M -minimal injective kasch-module;(ⅱ) M R is a.
拟对偶双边模 SMR 可以被刻画成MR 的每一个本质子模K和S的所有本质左理想L分别满足rMlS(K) =K和lSrM(L) =L 。
Annihilator plays an important role in studying dual-rings, quasi-dual rings and dual-bimodules.
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