There is a gliding-tectonic-zone about 1 500 km long and 200 km wide roughly along the western border of China, from Pamir to the Altay mountains.
大体沿中国西部国界,由帕米尔高原向北东方向直至阿尔泰,有一条延伸约1 500 km,宽达200 km以上的滑移构造带,使得新疆与西部邻区在地质对比中产生许多困难。
Nonlinear static analysis of continuous cables with sliding at the middle supportings;
Analysis of the Effects of Base Uplifting and Sliding on Earthquake Responses of Multistory Buildings;
Study on the Effects of Base Uplifting and Sliding on Earthquake Responses of Structures;
Research on grout concrete interface split and slip judgement;
Experimental Study on Bond-slip Behavior Between Steel and Concrete in Square Concrete Filled Steel Structures;
Analysis on the behaviors of bond-slip between the shape steel and the concrete by push-out test;
6 jacket cap for drilling sufficiently and design a new slideway base on jacket BZ 25*.
基于以最短的时间实现渤中 2 5 1E平台用钻井帽钻井的设想和节省工程费用的原则 ,提出用主结构尚完好的原秦皇岛 32 6钻井帽 ,在渤中 2 5 1E导管架新增底座上有限滑移 ,以满足非悬臂式钻井船渤海 5号在渤中 2 5 1E平台上钻井的要求 ,并进行了结构强度校核。
Mechanic analysis was carried out to the slide condition of the vehicles at braked status, and brake of vehicles at different speeds as well as different braking effects due to different braking time were analyzed.
The article first introduces the slide problem that occurred for testing the friction drive capacity of traction wheel after the lift is installed, then analyzes reasons for the problem, and also puts forward a solution to solve the problem.
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