A large ring structure has been discovered in chong an region on the basis of geological interpretation of remote sensing images.
通过遥感图像地质解译 ,发现崇安地区存在一较大的环状构造。
Technical Features And Application of S_(101)-AH Cyclic Vanadium Catalyst;
Various synthetic methods of the cleavable cyclic acetal-type and ketal-type surfactants were reviewed to provide references for the synthetic route design of these type surfactants and their major research direction in the future were indicated.
综述了可分解型环状缩醛类和缩酮类表面活性剂的各种合成方法 ,为该类表面活性剂的合成路线设计提供参考 ,并指明了今后的主要研究方向。
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