"Multi-factor controlling,four-factor entrapping and key-factor enrichment" of stratigraphic-lithologic reservoirs and exploration practice in Erlian Basin (Ⅳ)——Exploration practice;
Domestic hydrocarbon resources exploration priority and orientation during the eleventh five-year plan;
Technology of natural gas exploration and evaluation based on well-logging data;
The Important Technology of Continuous Prospecting and Exploitation at the Complicated Section of Fault;
The state-owned petroleum enterprises are the main part of prospecting and exploitation of petroleum resources in China.
Five potential mineral sites for further prospecting are predicted, thus providing a prospecting basis for full use of the resources of iron and copper ores in this area.
Discussion on collapsible loess survey and treatment methods of subgrade;
The equipment was further modified being directed against the existing problems in application so that made it better suit the survey under the adverse conditions of waters, tidal-flat area, marsh, hard land, anoxia plateau and so on.
According to the landslide of soft soil foundat ion in one sector of Weining Station based upon geological survey its causing re asons are analyzed.
针对内昆铁路威宁车站某段软土路基出现滑坡的现象 ,从地质勘探、设计施工等方面分析了出现滑坡的原因 ,并提出此类工程的加固措施 ,指出应严格加强勘察和设计施工的质量管理 ,以确保工程优质合
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