Upon careful observation under scann ng electron microscope, it can be found that the shell thicknes is obviously controlled by the varieties of shell layers.
By using phenomenological method for the medium shell curve,an energy-curvature equation on three di-mensions regular space and the energy-gravitation form about gravitational interaction between bodies are given.
采用介质层壳弯曲的唯象方法,在规整三维空间中给出了能量曲率方程及物体间的能量引力形式表述,其引力方程的二个条件解分别与 Newton 引力理论及 Einstein 引力理论的有关结果相近。
This treatise sets off from the nucleon energy level superposition,searches sought the structure of the proton-neutron blend shut shell,and explains the high stability of iron nuclide 5626Fe.
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