Comparison of hypsometry and goniometry in contact angle measurement;
In the algorithm,the Y component is first calculated in YIQ color space,then gradient magnitude is calculated to estimate opacity using the combination of vector angle and .
首先计算 YIQ空间中的亮度分量 Y,然后基于 Y分量,在RGB空间中利用矢量角与欧氏距离的联合来计算彩色体素的梯度幅值,从而得到阻光度值,最后合成、累积颜色。
The assumption was presented that the jet was adopted in the nozzle to increase the speed of the main flow in the nozzle and form the exit vector angle.
The result indicates that the vector angle of thrust is maximal with the injection flow plumbing at the wall.
The relationship between trimming incremental angle,terrain detector,vertical displacement of pivot and desired cutting volume is presented.
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