Further discussion of mapping method in South China outcroppedareas of pre-Sinian low-grade metamorphic rocks;
Microflora and its age in the low-grade metamorphic rocks in She county,Anhui province;
A number of controversial low-grade metamorphic rocks in the.
Organic geochemistry of epimetamorphic rock in basement of the Songliao Basin;
Considering several problems on geological mapping in Presinian epimetamorphic rock region of south China;
According to the index fossil of Late Devonian, the age of the epimetamorphic rocks on the southwestern margin of the Tarim Basin is interpreted as Late Devonian, contradictory to previous assertion that they are Proterozoic, Silurian—Middle Devonian, or Late Cambrian—Middle Ordovician in age.
There are low-grade metamorphic rocks which underwent greenschist facies metamorphism in the middle and north margin of the Dabie ultrahigh pressure(UHP) metamorphic belt.
According to the geological occurrences of low-grade metamorphic rocks and high to ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks(UHP) in the Sulu orogenic belt, There are the low-grade metamorphic rocks which underwent greenschist facies metamorphism in the middle Dabie ultrahigh pressure(UHP) metamorphic belt and at the north edge of the UHP metamorphic belt.
Investigation showed that the low-grade metamorphic rocks at Shiqiao contact structurally (as structural schists) with UHP metamorphic rocks.
The relationship of Mesozoic epimetamorphic rock series and the gold mineralization in Bangong Lake to Nujiang River mineralized belt, northern Tibet, China;
The epimetamorphic rock series were outcropped at different degrees from Devonian to Permian of Jixi area.
A set of metamorphic strata of low-greenschist fades is exposed along the northern side of Tiekelike fault in the southern Tarim basin, which was previously called as epimetamorphic rock series due to different viewpoints about its sedimentary time, metamorphic age and genesis, etc.
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