Effect of AOD Oxidizing Slag on Magnesia-Calcia Lining Erosion;
Numerical simulation of erosion for carbon-based composites impacted by hypervelocity particles;
Theoretical analysis about erosion of refractory by slag which produced from new shaft furnace technology for smelting chrome iron;
Properties of cement-based material mixed with grounded slag powder due to sulfate attack at low pH value;
Study on Resistance to Sulfate Attack on Mortar Containing Mineral Admixture;
Based on katogene mechanism of acid rain attacking concrete,the simulation test of the acid rain attacking concrete was analyzed by the shower-lighten cycle method,which sets up its parameters,including the pH value and ion concentration of the liquor, rainfall,temperature and temperature difference,humidity under alternating between dry and humid etc.
Analysis on Etching of Slag Line Brick of Ladle for Refining Steel Cord of Tyre and Technology Measure for Increasing Service Life;
Effect of AC current density on etching of aluminum foil;
Effect of chemical composition in aluminium foil during DC-etching;
Effect of slag composition on the corrosion of MgO-Cr_2O_3 refractory used for RH lining;
Effect of adding manganese on oxidation and corrosion resistance of Al_2O_3-C refractories;
Corrosion mechanism of electrocast AZS brick in total oxygen combustion glass tank;
To understand the effect of the spatial heterogeneity of underlying surfaces and man kind activities on the soil erosion and sediment yield in small watershed, a distributed model for sediment yield in small basins based on isolated storm events is developed.
为反映因下垫面因子空间分布不均和人类活动对流域侵蚀产沙的影响 ,建立了基于场次暴雨的小流域侵蚀产沙分布式数学模型。
The results of physical and chemical analysis of soil samples showed that the diameter changing point of soil particles caused by soil erosion is about 0.
通过小区采样并进行了机械组成和化学分析 ,认为侵蚀过程导致的土壤颗粒坡面分布变化点在 0 。
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