The relationship among removal loading,coverage rate and inflow loading was studied.
The algorithm is based on knot removal, knot insertion, and weight modification of the NURBS.
针对平面三次 NU RBS曲线的光顺问题 ,基于节点插入、节点消去和重新确定权因子等技术 ,给出了平面三次 NURBS曲线的一种光顺算法 。
Methods Based on knot removal, knot insertion, and weight modification, the knots which are wanted to fair are selected automaticly, the control points and weights are modified locally.
方法 基于节点消去、插入和重新确定权因子等基本算法,根据给定的光顺准则,自动选择需要光顺的节点,局部修改控制顶点和权因子。
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