Study on soil infiltration law with artificial rainfalland numerical simulation;
Runoff-rainfall relationship for multilayer infiltration systems under artificial rainfalls;
Effects of farming soil treated with fly-ash on soil structure and erosion through artificial rainfall simulation;
Laboratory experiments of soil nutrient transfer in the loess slope with surface runoff during simulated rainfall;
An example was presented to study the application of simulated rainfall and runoff scouring experiment in predicting newly increased soil and water loss.
新增水土流失预测是开发建设项目水土保持方案编制的重要内容 ,也是防护措施布设的关键依据 ,水土流失预测方法及其适用性问题一直受到关注 ,以实际例子探讨了人工降雨与径流冲刷试验在开发建设项目新增水土流失量预测中的应
With the simulated rainfall,the rainfall characteristics under canopy of the mainly tree species in loess area was studied applying the color-spot method.
By use of artificial precipitation equipment and a large soil tank with changeable slope,the process of non-point pollution in uncovered slopes was simulated under different initial soil nutrient contents,runoff,slopes and plant coverage ratios.
By means of artificial precipitation in laboratory,the process of nonpoint nitrate pollution in uncovered slopes was simulated under different rainfall intensities by use of a large soil tank with changeable slope.
This paper introduces a new method of monitoring runoff pollution of municipal ground by using simulator of artificial precipitation and provides a economical and handy tool for study- ing the law of runoff pollution of municipal groumd.
Four typical land covers in Guanting Reservoir watershed were studied on nutrients loss in artificial rainstorm runoff simulator.
利用小型人工降雨模拟器 ,选择官厅水库周边 4种典型土地利用类型 ,通过进行天然大暴雨实验 ,研究了氮、磷随暴雨径流及径流沉积物的迁移过程 ,同时估算了总氮、总磷在不同土地利用方式下的流失速率 。
Five typical land covers in West Tiaoxi catchment were studied on phosphorous loss in artificial rainstorm runoff.
选择太湖上游西苕溪流域最具代表性的 5种土地类型 ,利用野外人工降雨装置 (3m2 ) ,模拟天然大暴雨 (降雨强度 2mm·min- 1) ,研究了不同形态磷素随暴雨径流水相及沉积物相的迁移过程 ,对比了流域内不同土地利用/土地覆被条件下磷素的迁移特征并估算流失速率 。
The infiltration properties of slope farmland are studied by means of the water storage method and the simulated rainfall method respectively.
Researches of Water, Soil and Nutrients Loss from Bamboo Forest;
The government is using cloud seeding to try to produce rain for farmers, stave off drought and fill water basins.
No leakage from the roof at testing rain storm of5 litre per square metre per minute.
This paper analyses the benefits to soil and water conservation of tillage measures, with reference to rainfall influences.
Study on the Method of Photograph Application of the Rainfall Terminal Speed in the Artificial Simulating Rainfall Equipment
The Laboratory Experimenal of Soil Nutrient in the Loess Moving with Surface Runoff during the Simulating Rainfall;
Fly Coal Ash Effect on Soil and Water Loss on Tillage Soil by Simulating Rainfall;
Performance Research of Artificial Rainfall Simulator Based on AMESim;
Research on the Simulated Rainfall Experiment for the Soil Erosion by the Project Spoil
Study on V、L Value Before and After Precipitation and Artificial Rainfall Based on Dual-channel Microwave Radiometer System
A Study on Rainfall Interception by Pinus Tabulaeformis Plantation in Miyun, Beijing;
Study on Soil Erodibility of Purple Soil under Rainfall Simulator;
The Trial Testing and Performance Research of Artificial Rainfall Simulator;
Design and Implementation of the System for Artificial Simulation of Rainfall Based on PCC;
The Study on Artificial Rainfall Simulator Remote Monitoring System Based on GPRS
The Study on Mechanism Simulation and Analysis of Rainfall Simulation System
Study on Purple Soil Nutrient Loss under the Artificial Rainfall Simulation Condition
Study on characteristics of distribution of rainfall in Pinus tabulaeformis plantation in Daqing-Mountains
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