Handling Date Time in J2EE Systems;
In this articie we talked about the analysis of the virus concernig time and date,and offered certain detecting, preventing,curing and eliminating measurements.
文中对与时间及日期有关的计算机病毒进行了分析 ,并提出了对这类计算机病毒的检测、清除与预防方法及防治措
In writing English letters the attention should be paid to the following aspects as the order of the units of address,the style of envelop writing,the style of date writing,the difference in use of salutation and complimentary close, the style of the complete elements.
在英文信函写作中应注意英文信函的具体格式要求 ,包括地址写作格式、信封写作格式、日期表达格式、称谓语及结束语的选用、信函内文格式等。
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