, especially nivation hollows and cryoplanation terraces.
According to a typical karst depression,on the basis of its development characteristics,the FLAC3D numerical method was used to simulate the forming and evolution processes of the karst depression.
This paper discusses the character of many big Karstic features conformation such as Karst depression,trough and gigantic combination trough and underground Karst cave as well as their forming mechanism and factors controlling them.
圆梁山隧道毛坝向斜段核部及两翼的可溶岩地层中发育分布有大量的典型岩溶现象 ,本文详尽讨论了岩溶洼地、槽谷、巨型组合槽谷和地下溶洞等大型岩溶形态的基本特征、形成机制、受控因素 ,并进一步认识到其发育分布主要受控于岩性和构造因
The flood in Guizhou karst depression becomes more and more serious in recent years.
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