The result of experiments implies that the reserve function of the aquifers from artificial recharge in Taihang piedmont plain of China is related, not only to the reservoir depth of surface water and the time ofwater infiltration but also to the accumulative total volume of water which flows into the reservoir under thecondition of pond infiltration, well injection and channel infiltration.
The result of experiments implies that the reserve function of the aquifers with river channels from artificial recharge in Taihang piedmont plain of China is related, not only to the accumulative total volume of water and the time of river runoff but also to the unit volume of water which flows throngh rever channels.
实验研究表明 ,在河道过水动水条件下 ,太行山前冲洪积平原地下调蓄功能不仅与总过水量、过水时间有关 ,而且还与河道过水流量的大小有关 ;平均每增加 1个流量 ,引起距河道 95m处地下水位上升 0 。
fan-topped pediment
Oligocene erosion had truncated the sediments draped over the dome.
The mountains are covered with thick snow.
The landform on which ancient human activity relic located was interfluvial floodplain on Yongding River Alluvial Fan.
Study on the Pattern Change of Land Use/land Cover and Soil Erosion of Bishan County in Chongqing;
There are four alluvial fans arranged as a string of beads from the south to the north.
White snows for ever rest on the mountain top.
The mountain is perpetually covered with snow.
There are huge mountains covered with large forests, and wide, irrigable plains with navigable rivers.
A number of alluvial fans along the base of a mountain may coalesce to form a continuous alluvial slope.
Bare soil is protected from the impact of rainfall which can cause surface soil crusting, compaction, and erosion.
Some seventy million years ago, what we today call Shanghai, now situated on the alluvial plains at the mouth of the Yangtse River, were extensive stretches of wasteland with some hillocks and ridges.
depositional terrace plains
Volcanoes and compressive deformation during collisions along subduction zones makes continents thicker, while erosion wears them down, making them broader and flatter;
an area covered by sand and gravel deposited at the front of a glacial moraine.
Deposition is the counterpart of erosion.
The ground was covered with thick snow.
The Antarctic continent has mountain ranges similar in size to the European Alps.
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