Bi Te ore is leached with HCl+NaClO 3 .
铋碲矿用盐酸加氯酸钠浸出 ,浸出液用Na2 SO3 还原得粗碲粉 ,还原后液水解回收铋。
The graphic-myrmekitic pyrrhotites of the tsumoite have compositions similar to those of early stages, but their spatial elongation and size change are in contradiction with experiments and theoretical models.
The name was changed to pilsenite in 1982 with the formula being changed to Bi 4Te 3, and tsumoite was found within the compositional range of former wehrlite.
楚碲铋矿 (BiTe)的成分介于原叶碲铋矿的成分范围之内。
Some problems in the study of pilsenite;
The first found pilsenite in China is in Gaozhuang,Henan province.
叶碲铋矿极为罕见 ,矿物学资料匮乏。
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