The Algorithm for Generation of Quadrilateral Mesh with the Feature Constrain;
A new quadrilateral mesh generation method based on advancing front technique;
Algorithm research of generating quadrilateral meshes from triangular meshes based on 3DS modeling;
Boundary surface of 3-D region is divided into quadrangle mesh, the surface integral in Gauss formula is treated with finite element method.
A new stationary subdivision scheme is presented for quadrilateral meshes.
提出一种四边形网格细分算法 :每细分一次四边形网格 ,其数目增加为原来的两倍 ,细分二次结果相当于一次二分细分和一个旋转 该算法采用三次B样条张量积的形式 ,其生成曲面在规则点具有C2 连续性 ,在非规则点具有C1连续性 由于该细分算法对网格几何操作简单 ,所得网格数据量增长相对缓慢 ,适合于 3D图像重构及网络传输等应用领
Given structured quadrilateral meshes on a certain tool surface, a method of mesh merging to get local coarse meshes of tool surface is introduced such that the simulation model could be simplified and simulation time reduced.
给定一车身冲压模型腔表面上结构化的四边形网格 ,通过单元合并对网格进行自动的粗化 ,其目的在于简化冲压仿真模型 ,提高仿真计算速度 。
Design and implementation of quadrilateral subdivision based on Euler operations;
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