Based on the phase diagrams and the properties of reactants and products,the washing process for separation of boric acid and magnesium sulfate in the production of boric acid from szaibelyite by sulfuric acid decomposition is determined.
This paper outlines the importance of washing-free rice in such senses as that presenting washing-free rice not only coincides with the tempo of modern life and good for energy saving and environmental protection but also can improve the taste of milled rice.
从免淘洗米的推出符合了现代化生活节奏的需求 ,利于节省资源与环保 ,同时还可改变精米的食味等几点意义上讲发展免淘米的重要性 ;通过对免淘洗米及抛光米的加工工艺的介绍 ,指出就目前抛光米的加工工艺、设备及工作环境等所加工出的抛光米还达不到免淘洗米的标准 ,说明免淘洗米与抛光米的区别 ,提出要发展免淘洗米应尽快制定免淘洗米的标准 ,规范免淘洗米市场 ,对免淘洗米设备选材及运用进行严格要求。
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